ONE Idaho initiative highlights resilience and ingenuity of Idahoans

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June 9, 2020

ONE Idaho initiative highlights resilience and ingenuity of Idahoans

Show support for a safe, healthy, and open Idaho by taking the ONE Idaho Pledge

BOISE, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today the launch of ONE Idaho, an initiative to highlight the resilience and adaptability of Idaho businesses, employees and consumers as the state moves through stages of reopening and rebounding.

“Idaho’s economy will rebound strongly when 1.7 million Idahoans unite around one common goal – keeping our state’s economy open and making Idaho a safe and healthy place for all through hard work, shared sacrifice, and care for our communities,” Governor Little said. “Our actions moving forward will help preserve the sacrifices we all made early on to slow the spread of coronavirus in our state.”

Details about the ONE Idaho initiative can be found at

The ONE Idaho initiative serves to both educate and celebrate. On ONE.Idaho.Gov, the public will can easily access the safety considerations different Idaho industries are undertaking as they reopen.

Idahoans can show their support for an open, safe and healthy state by taking the ONE Idaho Pledge, committing to do their part as a business owner, employee or consumer.

For Idaho businesses, that includes methods to limit close interactions, maintain six-foot physical distancing within their establishments, and stepping up onsite cleaning efforts. For the public, it is about continuing to practice social distancing, washing hands thoroughly and regularly, wearing a protective face covering in public, staying home when sick, and always following the latest safety guidelines.

On its social media channels, ONE Idaho will showcase the business innovations and community initiatives that have emerged as Idahoans do things differently for the greater good.

In partnership with Idaho newspapers and television and radio stations, public service announcements (PSAs) will begin this week to honor the spirit of Idahoans and celebrate their ingenuity in adapting to our new normal for doing business.

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NEWS MEDIA CONTACT: Marissa Morrison Hyer, Press Secretary

208-943-1686 or


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