WSTPC and Federal Agencies sign agreement to Strengthen Tourism in the West

The Western States Tourism Policy Council (WSTPC) and leaders of nine federal agencies signed a renewed Memorandum of Understanding in Washington, D.C., recommitting to a strategy of mutual support, coordination and cooperation. The Memorandum renews and expands similar agreements originally signed in 1997 and renewed in 2001. The agreement recognizes the economic importance of tourism on federal lands and waters and pledges cooperation in promoting tourism on federal lands while protecting natural, historic and cultural resources.

Federal agencies that signed the Memorandum are U.S. Department of Agriculture: Forest Service; Department of Commerce,: International Trade Administration; Department of Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service; and Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration. The Small Business Administration also signed. State signatories include Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado,  Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. 

The agreement pledges to work together to:

  • Develop and distribute information about travel and tourism opportunities in western states;
    Assist travel and tourism organizations in planning, developing, marketing and managing travel and tourism on federal lands;

  • Organize, encourage and participate in community activities that enhance understanding about the use of travel and tourism to diversify the economic base of communities;

  • Organize and assess educational programs that enhance the ability of agencies to manage travel and tourism activities in balance with stewardship responsibilities;

  • Coordinate with private entities and tribal, state and local governments to provide tourism opportunities; and

  • Promote sustainable management practices to protect natural, historic and cultural resources of federal lands.

Since 1997, the agencies and the Western States Tourism Policy Council have collaborated on a number of projects highly beneficial to travel and tourism in the West, including sponsoring seven major joint conferences on tourism and recreation.

Nationally, travel and tourism is a major economic engine, supporting nearly 8 million American jobs – jobs that can't be outsourced at thousands of local and small businesses.

Click the link to find the signed copy of the memorandum of agreement.


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